Wednesday, October 25, 2006

OOPSLA 2006 - fourth day

Keynote - It was good that I learned language designs that I was not familiar with. This is one of the good things to attend conferences: You can listen to what you are not familiar with and you don't understand but you can keep it in somewhere in your brain and later on it gets easier to use it when the need arises.

Practitioner's Reports -

- Transition to Software Product Line Practice - Lost interest in it in the middle because it seemed in surface traditional software process. But at the end, I thought maybe I should learn from this.
- Towards Agile SEcurity in Web Applications - It was very good.
- keywords - "How can you misuse this functionality? (something like that)" -> Misuse story.
- Automated web testing - for security acceptance(?) testing. Selenium.
-> session handling (Selenium version > 0.8)

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